IHI in the Sky

Aerial Videography and Photography

 Real Estate, Construction, and Inspection Industries

Who we are

IHI, Integrity Home Inspection Services has been a highly respected property inspection company in east central Florida for many years. Our pholosophy has always been to  continue to provide quality services at reasonable prices.

Currently our services include:

--Home Inspections for buyers or sellers of homes.
--Insurance inspections such as 4-Point and Wind Mitigations
--Indoor Air Quality Testing
--New home inspections both during and after construction
--Aerial Videography and Photography
--Interior Videography

You may ask how photography and inspection mix. Well, we found that in certain instances, because of either the height of the building, the type of building or the design of the building, there were issues with being able to access some places on the exterior of the building, so we purchased video drones to help with the process. Through our inspection process we realized that we could do the same thing to help others that have similar needs. We relaized that those needs may be full videos or photography for real estate listings, surveys of properties, Infrared scans of roofs, etc., so we now provide those services as another potential way for us to better serve our clients.



Call us today at 386-682-0885 Ext 3

About us

IHI in the Sky is a subsidary of Integrity Home Inspection services located in Deland Florida. We have been a well respected Central Florida based inspection company for many years. We have always tried to expand our offering servcies in order to help better provide those services to our ever expanding market. IHI found that there was a shortage of Legal Aerial Videography and Photography companies in the area and decided to persue becoming a Legal Commerical provider of Aerial Videography and Photography.

In addition, we have procured handheld gimbles which allow us to video the interior and other hard to reach places with a stable, smooth output.